Business Grade Computer Support

Save Time, Money, and Stress with North Peak IT

Lightning Speed

We know exactly how to get the most out of your technology. We make your computers and other devices work fast so you don’t get slowed down again.

No Down Time

We monitor your systems in real time so as soon as we see an issue may arise we work to prevent it.

Amazingly Customized

We give you the tools to fine tune your technology to work for you. No more cookie cutter solutions

Bold Security

Real Time Virus and Spyware Protection coupled with online backup protection. We do everything possible to keep your data safe.

Our Features

Why Should You Use North Peak IT For Your Business?


Don’t Take Our Word For It, Just Ask Our Customers

Flexible Pricing Plans

We have the right plan to fit your needs.



Unlimited tech support and repair
Computer Health Monitoring
Antivirus and Antispyware protection
Online Backup Protection for your business documents (Word documents, Excel documents, PDF files, ect…)
Weekly Computer Tune Ups
Windows Update Management



1 Hour Response Time or Less
Monthly Executive Summary
Asset Management
Unlimited Tech Support and Repair
Computer Health Monitoring
Antivirus and Antispyware protection
Complete Online Backup Protection
Weekly Computer Tune Ups
Windows Update Management

From Wasilla to Anchorage and beyond, we offer the best tech support.

Local Support

We offer fast and local support. We offer personalized on site support and fast remote service from our Palmer office. We can come to your office quickly to resolve you issue FAST. All without having to deal with out of state or out of country techs.

We not only offer the best services, we offer the most affordable pricing around.

Managed Pricing

IT Support can be expensive. We work hard to provide the best quality service without that high price tag. Our unique approach to IT Support means we are able to save you hundreds of dollars each month while giving you better support than you ever had before.